Email Archive Migration Solutions

Global Migration Experts

Migrate Email Archives with REAMS

Reciprocal’s industry-leading Email Archive Migration Solutions (REAMS), have set the standard for ease of use, speed, data fidelity and legal defensibility. As organisations transition their email and productivity applications to cloud-based platforms, such as Microsoft Office 365, or even between old and new email archive applications, there is a requirement to migrate legacy email archive data to ensure historic email data are centralised and accessible into the future. Organisations also want to fully utilise inclusive archiving functionality provided within newer and cloud-based applications to maximise subscription licensing investment and allow further reduction of on-premise legacy application costs.


Our clients want a seamless and fast migration solution. To meet this requirement, REAMS has been developed for maximum simplicity, speed and ease of operation to guarantee we can quickly and successfully migrate our customers to the email archive platform of their choice.


We recognise that all customers needing to move email archive applications want a simple, rapid and guaranteed migration methodology. This is why we deliver our migration solutions with unlimited technical support to ensure all projects are supported from the initial install and configuration through to project completion. With regular migration updates through every step, we keep our customers’ project management teams fully updated.


The powerful data migration platform is based on a legally-compliant data reconciliation engine. Its main goal is to migrate legacy archive data at high speed while maintaining 100% data fidelity and chain of custody. Fully integrated with all supported data sources and target repositories to provide the most efficient, fastest, high-volume data migrations;

REAMS meets all regulatory compliance requirements because it does not convert or compromise archive source data during the migration process.


Our ingestion engines fully integrate with the target systems, enabling data to be transferred in real-time between source and target while maintaining chain of custody and orphaned/corrupt data reporting.

REAMS has native ingestion engines for the following products:

Native Exchange Formats: MSG, PST;

Microsoft Exchange 2007 – 2015 Active and Personal Archive;

Microsoft Office 365 Active and Personal Archive;

Open Standard Format: EML/RFC-822;

Gmail and Google Vault.

Stub Management

REAMS is uniquely capable of cleaning up any issues created in Exchange by legacy email archives that “stubbed” or “shortcut” email and attachments for mailbox size reduction. REAMS queries the Exchange Server and systematically matches message stubs/shortcuts in Exchange with archived messages in the archive.

In-place stub and shortcut rehydration;

In-place stub and shortcut deletion;

Stub and shortcut re-direct to other targets.

REAMS Email Archive Migration Software Product Features

Rich and Intuitive Graphical User Interface

We are redefining the data migration industry by providing a powerful user interface that allows easy install and the ability to start migrating data within hours. The capabilities of REAMS allows small- to mid-size customers to monitor and trust their data migration – reducing overall cost and time to completion.


REAMS has a modular architecture that allows it to scale both horizontally for performance needs and vertically for additional functionality. Its multi-threaded, multi-server framework is tuned for both performance and accuracy.

Data Extraction

Our extraction engines fully integrate with the legacy archive at the database and storage level. Because of this integration, time consuming pre-indexing or categorization is never required, enabling mailbox and journal account extraction within hours of installation.

It has native extraction engines for the following products:

Veritas Enterprise Vault;

Veritas Enterprise Vault Cloud;

Autonomy EAS;

Mimosa NearPoint;

EMC SourceOne;

EMC EmailXtender;

MX Logic;

Dell MessageOne;


Gwava Retain.

Data Accuracy and Fidelity

Reciprocal maintains 100% accurate and complete data both during and post-migration.

Chain of Custody and Compliance

Will your migrated data survive a legal challenge? Reciprocal provides the protection you need.


The industry’s fastest email archive migration software service. With consistently fast data extraction, our rates exceed 7.0+TB per day per server.

Hardware Requirements

Reciprocal is able to move 50 or 100 Terabytes with one server? Yes!