Link Fixing

Global Data Experts

Do you have Files that contain Links to other Files?


Customers are often faced with the challenge of what to do when performing data migrations, server consolidations, folder reorganisations, operating system upgrades, file virtualization or document management system implementations such as SharePoint — because as soon as files are moved or renamed, or server or folder names are changed, broken links occur.


Whilst the Customer IT team may be responsible for the storage that the data resides on, they may not be the owners of the data or have any knowledge about what the data is. In turn, many IT stakeholders have no idea if they have any links within the data they host and if they do, no idea how many, let alone where they point to and more importantly if they are already broken and how to remediate them if they are.


If moving or renaming files or folders causes only a few broken links, then the problem is not severe. Links in the files can be repaired manually or perhaps by trying to use scripts (which can’t do the  full job, but may be “good enough” if the number of links is small). So what if moving or renaming files or folders causes hundreds, thousands or millions of broken links?


Even if you aren’t planning to move any data then Link Fixing may well still be important and valuable to you to identify links you may have and manage them going forward.

Introducing Link Fixing

Reciprocals Link Fixing service prepares file links before migration, so that after your project is complete, it can automatically re-link all your files for you. It can do this on millions of files, regardless of what tools are used to conduct the migration. This is the fast, modern way to handle file links. It’s patented and no other application on Earth can do this.


“But what if I already have thousands or millions of  broken links?” Our tooling can still help. In this case, you would use its “Modify Links” feature which fixes broken links in batch and much faster than any other method in existence.


Reciprocal can report, fix and maintain links in files such as: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote, Project, AutoCAD, MicroStation, InDesign, PageMaker, PDF and even HTML. The Link Fixing tool eliminates the time-consuming and tedious process of manually finding and fixing broken links.

Produce detailed reports


Our Link Fixing tooling generates a variety of detailed reports showing parent files, the links pointing to child files and the status (intact or broken) of each link.

Broken link report – lists all files containing broken links, so they can be fixed before causing problems.

Regular report – lists each file followed by a list of the files it links to.

Cross-reference report – lists each linked file followed by a list of all the files that point to it

Safeguard healthy links in large sets of files


Reciprocal Link Fixing protects links in files so they can be automatically fixed should they become broken when files are moved or renamed using Windows Explorer or other utilities.

Find and fix broken links automatically


The complimentary Cure command can automatically find and fix broken links in previously safeguarded files, thousands of links at a time.


Modify links


The tooling can fix already-broken links with a single command using sophisticated global search and replace operations.

Move and Rename


Our Link Fixing tool can move and rename your files and folders, in batch, using sophisticated rename rules while automatically maintaining all your good links in the process.

Supported File Types


Whether working with hundreds of thousands of files during a data migration or just a few dozen files on a desktop, Reciprocals Link Fixing is the world’s first and only software that can handle all the links in today’s most common file types, in batch.

Parent File Types Supported


The following file types are supported as parent files, linking to any child item.

Adobe - .pdf, .ps, .eps

Adobe InDesign - .idml, .indd, .indt

Auto PageMaker - .p65, .pm, .pm6, .pmd, .pmt, .t65, .pt6

AutoCad - .dwg, .dwt, .dxf

Microsoft Acces - .accdb, .accde, .accdr, .accdt, .ade, .adn, .adp

Microsoft Excel - .xls, .xlt, .xlsx, .xltx, .xlsb, .xlsm

Microsoft OneNote - .one

Microsoft PowerPoint - .ppt, .pot, .pptx, .potx, .pps, .ppsx

Microsoft Word - .doc, .dot, .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm

Microsoft Visio - .vdw, .vdx, .vsd, .vsdx, .vss, .vst

MicroStation - .dgn

SQL - .sql, .mda, .mdb, .mde, .mdn, .mdt

Web - .asp, .aspx, .css, .htm, .html, .js, .shtml, .swf, .mht, .mhtml, .dwt

Windows Shortcut - .lnk