There are several drivers for ECM migrations, such as replacing your legacy systems, digital transformation projects, IT consolidation and many more.
Working out which driver is leading your project is important, as it determines requirements for the migration project. While the ECM market is mature, it is still undergoing considerable evolution, both in terms of vision and in terms of consolidation. It may even determine whether you should be integrating rather than migrating.
Reciprocals ECM analysis and migration services enable your organisation to maximise the value of information and brings order in your content chaos. We do this by delivering software and consultancy for analysing, improving, cleaning, migrating and integrating content.
Our services are design specifically for the analysis and migrations of enterprise content management systems with the primary focus on simple mapping between source and target systems. With years of ECM vendor knowledge and experience built into the software we make the transition to your new ECM environment simple and painless.
Reciprocal has developed content services to monitor migrations from A to Z, to automatically enrich with metadata, de-duplicate document sets and to execute delta migrations.
By plugging in additional tools, like Elastic Search or Ephesoft, you can: